Tuesday, 26 November 2013

HIMYM Review: Bedtime Stories

How I Met Your Mother 
'Bedtime Stories' Review

How I Met Your Mother has been somewhat experimental with a handful of its episodes, but Bedtime Stories takes the cake with an episode completely dedicated to rhyming throughout the entire 22 minute run through. But was enjoyable, or simply grating? For the most part it did a decent job but it didn't save it from the obvious fact that the story itself was pure filler.

The episode begins with Marshall desperately attempting to get his son Marvin to sleep on the bus journey back to Farhampton. Realising that he forgot the nursery rhymes book, Marshall decides to tell tales based on his three friends.
The first tale "Mosby at the Bat" recalls Ted making acquaintance with another college professor, Lisa by which he agrees to go out to a restaurant, but is unsure whether to call it a date or not. 
This little subplot was very much akin to the classic HIMYM style with Barney creating clues by which Ted could determine if he was on a date or not. Barneys use of a globe painted over with Date and Not a Date was very reminiscent of his hot/crazy scale which was a nice touch.  
Additionally there was a rather humorous moment at the end of that tale when the passenger commented about how crass Marshall's story was, which then jumped to future Ted apologizing to his kids.  
We then move onto the weaker tale of the three, Robin eating a whole wedding cake. It was good use of a flashback of Robin when times were hard, i'm guessing this occasion was when she broke up with Don as she let herself go, and the guest appearance by James Van Der Beek was a nice little surprise. But apart from that, the remainder of it was rather stupid. The only funny part in this segment was Marshall's fellow bus passenger doing a rap to aid Marshall who couldn't find a word to rhyme with Canada.
Finally on to Barney, his "Player King of New York City" was as equally silly with his mafia meeting with other players of the New York, all played by himself of course. But this sheer craziness is easily associated with Barney so it was a little more acceptable, although there was distinct lack of humour unfortunately. It was also nice that his and Ted's story both linked in with one another ever so loosely. 

As a whole the episode was generally OK, the whole episode rhyming actually worked fairly well as they used pretty simple rhyming verse. Some of the rhyming did falter in places, particularly with Lily during Robin's story, but the rest of the gang did it well.
Although rather silly, each little tale that Marshall told lighthearted and watchable. But the main issue was that this was the biggest filler episode. There was nothing linked to the wedding itself. Hopefully the next episode will reflect on what went on with the rest of the gang in Farhampton during Marshall's journey.


Monday, 25 November 2013

Movie Review: The Bling Ring

The Bling Ring

Here in the 21st Century young western society seems to aspire to the socialite lifestyles, attempting to emulate the constant impression that we are all having a party hard way of life and that it is better than anyone else's. 
With The Bling Ring, this film hones down on this ideal with a group of teenagers committing multiple burglaries across LA in the homes of the rich and famous in order to recreate that same type of lifestyle for themselves. 
Although the film says that it is based on true events, caution is slightly needed as the film itself is based on the Vanity Fair article " The Suspects wore Louboutins" by Nancy Jo Sales.

The Bling Ring starts off fairly well, introducing the male lead Marc (Israel Broussard), a boy who is constantly paranoid about the way he looks and that he is not good enough to be considered "A-list" material. 
On his first day at school he swiftly meets Rebecca (Katie Chang) and their friendship seems to flourish rather quickly from there on. 
All too easily we begin to realise she's a rebel and that theft is almost a drug for her, with the adrenaline fueling her to keep on wanting to do more, each time the more extravagant. And thus her friends Nicki (Emma Watson), Chloe (Claire Julien) and Sam (Taissa Farmiga) get dragged in for the ride. But they all take great pleasure in their criminal offences.
The whole insight into what American adolescents aspire to be is completely understandable for those watching who are also young adults.
The emphasis on the pressures of your social media persona on the likes of Facebook were all very close to home. The scenes of the girls constantly taking photos of themselves, attempting each time to look provocative and sexual, instantly uploading them onto Facebook for recognition and approval was a great illustration of the pressures for girls in western society. 
Additionally the obsession with "news" about celebrities, with their DUI's and the whereabouts of their partying were was also nice little mockery of teens fixated with people who are only famous for their notoriety and not their actual achievements.
The main issue with the film is that the characters were not overly developed. Although perhaps that was Sofia Coppola's aim so that we don't create potential idols of these convicts, there was a definite lack of interest in them. 
This lack of character was particularly the case for all the female leads. They were a collective persona: all rather bitchy and manipulative in order to get what they wanted. There was also no sense of guilt or remorse between them all, but simply reveling in their own notoriety. 
Apart from minor elements such as Nicki's "religious beliefs" based on the book The Secret, the lack of differentiation between the female cast made it rather dull. 
Marc was slightly better in that he provided a more diverse range of emotions, but even then his character was rather bland. 
Additionally the film itself did get quite repetitive and slow with the almost rehashed footage of the group relaxing, playing around and then robbing the houses. 

Overall The Bling Ring is a pretty standard film which ultimately is more interesting for the teenagers and young adults of this generation. The film was playful and the soundtrack was really great, creating the mood of the party hard way of life. 
Two moments towards the end of the movie though put it much higher in my books. 
Marc's comment that we live in a world with a "sick fascination of the Bonnie and Clyde kind of thing" is incredibly true, particularly when he further noted that he received 800 friend requests on Facebook for his criminal offences which he acknowledged that if his actions were for a charitable cause, that wouldn't have been the case. Secondly the final moments with Emma Watson's Nicki was a sly, well placed twist of events. These two moments highlight what a warped, confused society we live in and it was used to great effect.      


Tuesday, 19 November 2013

HIMYM Review: Mom and Dad

How I Met Your Mother
'Mom and Dad' Review

We were welcomed last week with an episode of HIMYM that was on full form, blending the best of comedy with some very well done underlying drama. Unfortunately this week threw away much of the drama and instead opted for pure slapstick. It worked in places but for the most part it was rather stale.

As the title suggests, the episode focused on Mom and Dad, in this case the return of John Lithgow as Jerome, James' vicar father and Loretta. 
The plot between the Stinson family ran very thin regards to its premise as a whole and the events that followed were, for the most part, equally lacklustre. 
Barney was once more his immature self with his head in the clouds, completely ignorant of any contradictory statement made about his mother and fathers relationship. Fortunately Neil Patrick Harris does it well enough though to still make it enjoyable, It was also nice to see James become a child too and squabble with Barney about the situation. 
What made it a shame was that John Lithgow's performance was incredibly limited. After some fairly tense moments in season 6 between he and Barney it would have been nicer to have had a bit more grounded sincerity between the two.   
All issues aside, there was a fantastic musical number with the whole Stinson family set in a cliched 1950's suburban backdrop. Of course Barney and James were the best of the bunch. It was like watching NPH at the Tony awards with his cheesy lyrics battling it out in song with Wayne Brady. 

On to Ted, he was once more enlisted with best man duties, on this occasion to keep hidden a signed picture of Wayne Gretzky from Robin. 
After later finding it damaged in his room, the plot turned into a detective mystery story and was typically ridiculous with its cheesy 'whodunit' approach of which the three subjects convicted was a poor listing: from a random concierge to Robins estranged cousin and of course The Karate Kid's Billy Zabka.
Admittedly it was funny to watch Ted get fully invested in the situation and go into full on detective mode (although surprisingly no references to The Mosby Boys was made), but the return of the "conflict" between Billy Zabka and himself was simply satisfactory. There was no actual sense of mystery with the proceedings at all. It was clearly pointed out in The Poker Game that Billy wanted to exact his revenge.

Finally we move on to Marshall and Daphne. Aside from some poor gags for the reasoning behind Daphne's abrupt anger it was actually a nice heartfelt short tale. We have come to learn from the previous episodes that Daphne is a big wig in the oil drilling community and has missed out on much of her child's life because of this, but it was never really developed, until now. The story ended with a nice resolution for Marshall and Daphne with them parting ways on friendly terms. 
Granted it was a nice way to end the two's journey together but it was rather pleasing that this arc had come to a close. Now it is time for Marshall to be more invested in the shenanigans between the whole gang.

Overall Moms and Dads was a satisfactory effort which tried a little too hard with the slapstick humour.
 It was a little surprising seeing as this script was written by Carter Bays & Craig Thomas themselves who are usually more akin to writing the more serious episodes. It was also disappointing how flat and one dimensional the characters were portrayed. Although they made small appearances, the lack of Robin and Lily in this episode was also a bit of a downer.
Onwards and upwards they say. Let's hope so for next weeks HIMYM


Tuesday, 12 November 2013

HIMYM Review: Platonish

How I Met Your Mother 
"Platonish" Review

Although the episode began with a short continuation of Robins despair over her mother not attending the wedding, Last nights HIMYM ended up a different affair with a full on flashback, six months before the wedding. At this point in time Ted's feelings for Robin were still uncertain and Barney was let loose with a full on girl grabbing spree after his failure to woo Robin for keeps. 

The theme of this episode really began with Barney explaining to Ted and Lily that (apart from Marshall and Robin) no relationship can simply be platonic, there will always remain a sense of sexual tension. 
Teds outright assurance to the gang that Barney's theory was incorrect and that he is simply friends with Robin was ultimately transparent, one which the group could all see. 
This arc was great as we got to witness the more serious side of Mr Mosby, constantly questioning the "what ifs" and his overall hesitancy towards making the leap to go after her. It is a very relatable situation for the audience I'm sure. 
The idea that Marshall was purely pushing Ted to make the move purely due to the bet he made with Lily did make his inclusion seem a little insincere, but this was swiftly overridden, he clearly cares about Ted and his constant assessment of the situation highlighted this.  
Admittedly the whole basketball game setting for Ted and Marshall's interactions felt a little bit random. It could have easily been done at MacLarens or even the apartment, but I suppose it was ample ground for some play on words of which the two hounded down at the coach and referee.  
Additionally the truth about Teds future decision to move to Chicago was somewhat unraveled. Bryan Cranston returned as Hammond Druthers, headhunting for Ted to join the architecture firm he works for in Chicago. 
The guest appearance was short and simple, with Druthers behaviour remaining to be same old egotistical self, grappling firmly his Pete Rose signed baseball. 
Considering the hype of Cranston making a return appearance, particularly after his critically acclaimed participation in Breaking Bad, it was a little bit of a shame that there wasn't more of a fleshed out story. Surprisingly though this tiny element strongly emphasised how much in dire straits Ted must be about his feelings towards Robin, to he point of wanting to flee and work for Druthers, who he publicly despised.   

As for the remaining trio, we were left with an equally strong premise which started off a little silly which developed into a more powerful plot.
Barney's "Challenge Accepted" was put to the test with the girls dishing out various challenges for him.
The garbage bag/ not allowed to use the letter "E" challenge was the best of the three. It was literally lough out loud funny when Barney would accidentally pronounce the "E", get frustrated and leave the girls he was hitting on. 
As for the remaining two, the Ryan Gosling play was fairly funny, particularly with Barneys quick psychoanalysis of the girl, but the introductory Dolphin was rather unbelievable and very much over the top.
But it was the fourth and final challenge that proved to be the best aspect of the show. It was great to see Barney meet the mother in that awkward situation, with her extracting the truth behind Barney's crazy antics and thus revealing the origin story of The Playbook's "The Robin".

Overall Platonish has been the most entertaining episode of season 9 to date. The blend of serious drama with comedy, which for once in a long time running was actually laugh out loud funny, worked extremely well. 
Even though the plots were technically divided, they tied really well into one another. But the final moments fast forwarding in time back to Farhampton, revealing Teds look of distress that he decided to sit back rather than go for the win like Barney was the icing on the cake. 
Yes some of you fans might feel that it's covering old ground yet again, but still there is no denying that there was a strong overall story.
Will more conflict between Ted and Barney return? We'll have to wait and see. Fingers crossed it does.


Tuesday, 5 November 2013

HIMYM Review: The Lighthouse

How I Met Your Mother 
"The Lighthouse" Review

After last weeks fairly mediocre outing with a feeble attempt to create a slapstick Halloween style episode of HIMYM, which ultimately did not work within season 9's new episode structure, I was not anticipating much. Fortunately last nights The Lighthouse ended up being more akin to the classic HIMYM style.

The main storyline brought up the "raging" warfare between Robin and Loretta. The initial conflict was downright silly with the two debating whether Loretta or Robin's mother could make the best scrambled eggs. 
In some sense it was good in that it brought some intrigue about Robin's mother finally making an appearance on the show. The additional flashbacks containing trickles of information about the mother was also a great touch.
But it wasn't until in the second half of the battle when Robin had to make scrambled eggs in her mothers place that the plot became a lot more interesting. Loretta's quip about Robin being unable to serve her kids breakfast due to her poor cooking skills brought back the harsh reality of Robin's inability to have children. It was really hard hitting to see the poor Robin completely crash at this remark. 
This plot proved to be even stronger with Barney's speech to his mother about his sheer adoration for his fiance, no matter what problems there may be. The flashback scene with Robin telling Barney her problem with his immediate sincere reaction was great. This solidified the notion that these two are in a strong relationship, no matter their constant cold feet in prior episodes.      
Although a shame that it looks like we will never see Robins mother it worked so much more in favour for the eventual heart to heart between Loretta and Robin.

As for dear old Ted, he was once again left with the emotionally unstable Cassie. Simply taking poor advice from Lily in an attempt to visit a nearby lighthouse without being scolded for being single, this plotline was very thin. We as the audience all know that he's never going to be with her, so it felt a bit of waste. 
The moment before the finale with Ted cynicism, complaining that there's only a certain amount of times you can do certain things with Lily's instant rejection of that notion was a great build up

With Lily herself, the anger towards Marshall was fairly funny, breaking her glass anytime an association was made with his judgeship, but I hope that it eventually amounts to something more substantial and grounded. This type of slapstick will get stale if it continues and the show works best when it moves towards a more serious route, just like Loretta and Robin's storyline. 

Yet again Marshall and Daphne's plot was completely uninteresting with the return of Ted's stepfather Clint trying to appease the conflict between the two travelers. It's not a good sign at all when you are literally looking at your watch, waiting for that particular segment to finish.
The only somewhat intriguing part was when Marshall cut loose and unleashed some aggression towards Daphne and played the  classic HIMYM tune "500 Miles". I am hoping that song plays for the rest of their trip.

 Overall The Lighthouse was a pleasant surprise. The Robin/Loretta plot was a little bit unnerving at first, but it flourished into something wonderful. It was also slightly disappointing to see such a small role for Ted for the majority of the episode but the final scene with Ted and the mother literally brought tears of joy to my eyes. It was fantastic! So glad to see Cristin Milioti again.
