Tuesday, 3 December 2013

HIMYM Review: The Rehearsal Dinner

How I Met Your Mother 
'The Rehearsal Dinner' Review 

Last weeks HIMYM decided to move towards a more experimental approach with an episode entirely dedicated to a nursery rhyme motif. 
Despite the bold move, it ultimately remained a little stale, notably because it was one of the most obvious filler episodes to date. 
This week however the show returned back to form, providing a decent episode which was somewhat bogged down by a sense of deja vu.

The main premise began with Barney handcuffed in a laser tag security office seemingly assured that Robin had set up the rehearsal dinner at this venue rather than at the Farhampton hotel itself. Much to Robins annoyance and displeasure Barney recounts the series of events leading up to that moment. From there on, numerous flashbacks ensued. 
The scene at McLarens pub, with Robin asking for the wedding to be held in Canada, was fairly well executed with the whole crew making silly jokes about her country. Teds interjection that the jokes continued for what seemed a lifetime was a nice little touch as a few extras in the background had their entire lives playing out during that scene.
The secondary flashback of Barney retaliation at Robin's bachelor party prank was also particularly funny with Barney's childish behaviour with the puppies whilst Robin remained rather serious about his sadistic prank on her. Her rule to be more like Marshall and Lily, with no surprises in their relationship was crucial for the overall arc of the story.
What worked best with this plot line was that Barney's obsessive behaviour was so typical of him that it was hard to see the bigger picture, which ended up being a really nice surprise. But at the same time, as nice a surprise it was, it was far too reminiscent of his play "The Robin" in terms of its structure and how the events unfolded.  
Additionally there were some curiosities about the practicalities of the final moments and how Robin quite literally did not see this.

As for Ted and Lily they were left on the sidelines with some mediocre gags. 
The reminder of Lily's inability to keep a secret was rather dull, particularly as we have seen this used multiple times before during previous seasons. It was an interesting reminder though that she had still kept the secret of Teds move to Chicago under wraps. The whole secret issue loosely seeped into Lily telling Ted and Robin about Marshall's judgeship and the possibility of the move to Italy being put on hold, but it seemed a weak way for the rest of the gang to find out. 
Ted was once more a caricature of his usual self, with flashbacks of himself attempting to play the piano whilst dressed up like Liberace as a present for Robin and Barney. There was little to care about with this subplot, although his statement during the initial flashback that he was the best at giving wedding presents with Marshall and Lily's instant looks of disgust was a nice little remembrance of their feud in The Poker Game.    
Apart from a few small appearances in the flashbacks, Marshall was not involved in the proceedings of the present events. There wasn't much indication of how far into his five mile walk to the hotel he was in or whether or not this all occurred during his bus travel. 

Regardless of the sub-par side stories, Barney and Robin's main arc was a nice lighthearted tale which goes to show that they will never be the conventional couple, but instead will constantly amaze and surprise one another to illustrate their love. The final moments were a little too familiar but certainly no excuse to complain about it. 
As nice as it was, the show really needs to place Ted back on the forefront, particularly as the series is edging ever so close to its conclusion.

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